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Best Live Streaming Software and Tools

The most essential piece of software in your toolbox as a video content creator is streaming software.

All streaming tools allow you to stream video to popular platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Live, Mixer, and others. But the devil is in the details, and each tool offers some extra feature or advantage to content creators to suit their specific needs.

Caliente y los eSports: Apostando en el Futuro del Deporte

¿Sabías que los deportes electrónicos, o eSports, están revolucionando el mundo del deporte? En los últimos años, esta forma de competición virtual ha ganado popularidad a nivel mundial, atrayendo a millones de fanáticos y generando grandes ganancias económicas. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo Caliente, una de las principales casas de apuestas en línea de México, está apostando en el futuro del deporte al incursionar en el mundo de los eSports.

Descubriremos cómo Caliente ha reconocido el potencial de los eSports como una industria en crecimiento, y cómo ha adaptado su plataforma para ofrecer apuestas en los diferentes torneos y competencias de videojuegos más populares. Además, analizaremos los beneficios y desafíos que esta nueva forma de apuesta presenta, tanto para los jugadores como para los apostadores. ¿Son los eSports el futuro del deporte? ¿Puede Caliente liderar la industria de las apuestas en línea en este nuevo terreno? Acompáñanos en este emocionante viaje para descubrirlo.

El crecimiento explosivo de los eSports: ¿El futuro del deporte?

Caliente, reconocida casa de apuestas en México, ha apostado fuertemente en el futuro del deporte a través de los eSports. Con la creciente popularidad de los videojuegos competitivos, Caliente ha decidido incursionar en este emocionante mundo, ofreciendo a los fanáticos la oportunidad de apostar en sus equipos favoritos. Los eSports han demostrado ser una industria en crecimiento, atrayendo a millones de espectadores y generando grandes cantidades de dinero en premios. Caliente ha sabido aprovechar esta tendencia, convirtiéndose en un referente en el mundo de las apuestas deportivas en línea.

La apuesta de Caliente en los eSports no solo ha sido una estrategia inteligente desde el punto de vista comercial, sino que también ha contribuido a la legitimación de los videojuegos como una forma legítima de entretenimiento y competencia. A través de su plataforma en línea, los usuarios pueden apostar en diferentes torneos y competencias de videojuegos populares como League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive y Dota 2, entre otros. Caliente ha logrado captar la atención de los fanáticos de los eSports, ofreciendo una experiencia emocionante y única para aquellos que desean apostar en los resultados de los torneos y disfrutar de la emoción de los videojuegos competitivos en tiempo real.

La industria de los eSports en Caliente: Oportunidades y desafíos

Los eSports se han convertido en un fenómeno global y su popularidad sigue creciendo a pasos agigantados., reconocido como uno de los principales sitios de apuestas en línea en México, ha sabido aprovechar esta tendencia y se ha convertido en una plataforma líder para apostar en los eSports. Con una amplia variedad de juegos disponibles, como League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive y Dota 2, los aficionados a los videojuegos pueden disfrutar de emocionantes competencias y apostar en sus equipos favoritos en

La creciente popularidad de los eSports ha llevado a que las competencias sean cada vez más profesionales y los premios más jugosos. ofrece a los usuarios la oportunidad de vivir la emoción de los eSports al máximo, con apuestas en vivo y una interfaz intuitiva que facilita la experiencia del usuario. Además, cuenta con un equipo de expertos en eSports que brindan análisis y pronósticos para ayudar a los apostadores a tomar decisiones informadas. Sin duda, se posiciona como una opción confiable y emocionante para aquellos que desean apostar en el futuro del deporte: los eSports.

Apostando en los eSports: ¿Es una forma legítima de entretenimiento y ganancias?

Caliente, la reconocida casa de apuestas en México, ha encontrado un nuevo mercado en el mundo de los eSports. Con el creciente interés y popularidad de los deportes electrónicos, Caliente ha decidido apostar en este futuro prometedor. Los eSports son competencias de videojuegos que han ganado una gran cantidad de seguidores en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en un fenómeno global que atrae a millones de espectadores y genera enormes ingresos.

Caliente ha comprendido el potencial de los eSports y ha aprovechado esta oportunidad para ofrecer a sus clientes una experiencia única de apuestas. Los aficionados a los videojuegos ahora pueden apostar en sus equipos y jugadores favoritos, aumentando la emoción y la pasión de la competencia. Con una amplia variedad de juegos disponibles para apostar, como League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive y Dota 2, Caliente se ha posicionado como un referente en el mundo de los eSports en México.

El impacto de los eSports en la cultura y la sociedad: ¿Una nueva forma de deporte para las masas?

Caliente, la reconocida casa de apuestas en México, ha puesto su mirada en los eSports como una apuesta segura para el futuro del deporte. Los eSports, también conocidos como deportes electrónicos, han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en una industria multimillonaria a nivel mundial. Caliente ha decidido subirse a esta ola de popularidad y ofrecer a sus clientes la posibilidad de apostar en competencias de videojuegos.

Los eSports han dejado de ser simplemente un pasatiempo para convertirse en una forma legítima de entretenimiento y competición. Con millones de seguidores y jugadores profesionales, los torneos de eSports atraen a audiencias masivas y generan un gran interés tanto en los medios tradicionales como en las plataformas de streaming. Caliente ha visto en esta tendencia una oportunidad única para expandir su oferta y atraer a un público más joven y tecnológico. Apostar en los eSports no solo brinda emoción y diversión, sino también la posibilidad de ganar dinero mientras se disfruta de los videojuegos favoritos.

En conclusión, Caliente está apostando fuertemente en el futuro de los eSports y está demostrando su compromiso al patrocinar eventos y equipos destacados en esta industria en crecimiento. La popularidad de los deportes electrónicos ha aumentado de manera exponencial en los últimos años y se espera que continúe creciendo en el futuro. Caliente ha reconocido esta tendencia y ha decidido formar parte de ella, brindando a los fanáticos la oportunidad de disfrutar de emocionantes competencias y apostar en sus equipos favoritos. Con su experiencia en el mundo de las apuestas deportivas y su enfoque en la innovación, Caliente se posiciona como un líder en el mercado de los eSports en México y está preparado para aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que este emocionante campo tiene para ofrecer.

To help you understand what’s available on the streaming software market, and how to choose an app that best suits your needs (and your budget), scroll down and check out our list of best live streaming tools for 2021.

Live Streaming Software – Things to Consider

If you’re just getting started as a content creator, you’ll probably want to use something basic to learn how streaming works. Conversely, if you already have some experience under your belt as a content creator, you can get a lot of mileage out of professional software with more advanced features.

There are several factors to consider when deciding which streaming tool to use. We can group these factors into 4 categories.

First, there are technical factors such as:

  • Operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux, web-browser).
  • CPU and GPU usage.
  • Support for different capture devices and sources (cameras, microphones, TVs, game consoles, video files).
  • Support for different encoding formats (AVI, MP4, H264, MPEG-2, WMV, MOV, MXF).

Then, there are feature requirements, including:

  • Multi-streaming (streaming to multiple platforms at once).
  • 4K video.
  • Chroma key (green screen).
  • Remote guests.
  • Plugin support.

The pricing model is often the most important factor, and it comes in varieties including:

  • Free.
  • Freemium (limited feature set for the free version, additional features for a price).
  • Subscription-based.
  • Usage-based.
  • One-time fee.

Finally, there is customer support to consider, with most software falling into one of the following categories:

  • Community guides and support.
  • Free customer support upon product purchase.
  • Premium support for an additional fee.

In addition to these factors, as content creator you will also have your own unique requirements depending on what you’re trying to accomplish.

Best Live Streaming Software

There are many streaming tools on the market, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Here are our top 9 pics:

OBS StudioXSplitvMixWirecastStreamlabs OBSLightstreamNvidia ShadowplayVidBlaster XDacast
PlatformWindows, Linux, Mac
WindowsWindowsWindows, MacWindowsBrowser-basedWindowsWindowsWindows, Mac
Best forGeneral usersGame streamersTeams and professional content creatorsTeams and professional content creatorsGame streamersGeneral usersGame streamersGeneral usersGeneral users
Standout featureExtensive plugin supportFriendly user interfaceHigh-end featuresStock media libraryOptimized for game streamingAvailable on all devicesLight CPU usageHighly customizableContent hosting
Main drawbackThe UI leaves something to be desiredWatermarks and ads in the free versionPay to unlock essential featuresExpensiveStill in betaLimited features and customizationLimited to Nvidia hardwareNo unique selling pointStreaming is a secondary feature
PriceFree$24.95 (3 month subscription)$60 (Basic) HD)$599 (Studio)Free$7/month (Gamer plan)Free$9/year (Home edition)$39/month (Starter edition)

1. OBS Studio

OBS Studio is the tool of choice for content creators looking for a free, feature-rich livestreaming solution. It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux, making it unique among other, platform-exclusive tools.

OBS Studio has an extensive feature-list. Highlights include multi-streaming, 4K video encoding, real-time mixing, transitions, overlays, and many more. If you need additional features, OBS Studio supports community-made plugins to extend its functionality even further. This makes OBS Studio ideal for streaming all kinds of content, including videogames, music, live events, webinars, or any combination of the above.

OBS Studio has light CPU usage, so you can run it easily on older PCs and laptops. It has a functional user interface, but it leaves something to be desired in terms of comfort and UX. This makes it a bit more difficult to pick up for new users. Another thing new users might struggle with are settings. There is a lot to configure up-front, but once you figure out a setup that works, you’re good to go.

As a community-driven project, OBS Studio has no official support channel, but community-made support content makes up for it.

The price tag of free makes OBS ideal for content creators looking to get started with livestreaming. Professional users on the other hand will enjoy the wealth of available features, giving them full control over their content production.

freelacking UI
cross-platformno official support channel
low CPU usage

2. XSplit

XSplit offers content creators two versions of its livestreaming tool – the premium XSplit Broadcaster, and the lightweight XSplit Gamecaster. Both versions are exclusive to Windows, and they’re both geared primarily towards video game content creators.

XSplit supports all popular capture cards, web cameras, and software video sources. It encodes video up to 4k60fps, albeit only in the premium Broadcaster version. In the Gamecaster version, videos above 720p30fps are watermarked.

What sets XSplit apart from competitors is its user-friendly design. The interface is intuitive and easy to use, and you can start livestreaming to Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, or Mixer with only a few keypresses. Editing and mixing is done via convenient drag and drop interface. XSplit also offers full technical support, adding further to the positive user experience.

With that being said, XSplit has a number of downsides that prevent it from taking the top spot in our list. For one, you have to pay for the premium version to unlock features such as chroma key, in-game Twitch chat, and custom logos. The free Gamecaster version also has ads, which reduce the quality of the user experience. Finally, some users have reported that XSplit has high CPU usage, which makes it a poor choice for content creators with older PC hardware.

XSplit Broadcaster offers several subscription tiers, ranging from $24.95 for a 3-month license, to the $199 lifetime license.

user-friendly interfacewatermarks on 720p+ and 30fps+ video
good customer supportlimited output formats (.mp4 and .flv)
works out of the boxwindows only

ads in the free version

3. VMix

VMix is a professional streaming and video production tool aimed at experienced content creators and content production teams. It is Windows-exclusive, but for users looking for a professional-grade tool it might be worthwhile to switch to Windows just to be able to use it.

VMix supports inputs ranging from web cameras, DVDs, sound cards, video files, and even PowerPoint. It can broadcast 4k60fps video to multiple platforms at once. As for video mixing and production, VMix offers virtual sets, animated overlays, transition effects, templates, and chroma key.

VMix is unique in that it fully supports remote video and audio production. Guests can drop in over the internet to do remote mixing and production during livestreams, making it perfect for content production teams working on larger projects. The downside is that less experienced content creators will have a tough time learning how to use the software, as it is built for professional users in mind.

VMix comes in five different price tiers, including Basic (free), Basic HD ($60), HD ($350), 4K ($700), and Pro ($1200). The Basic version is too bare bones to be useful when compared to other free streaming tools, and the 4K version has the best price/feature ratio when it comes to professional use.

wide range of high-end featureslackluster basic version
remote production and mixingwindows only

difficult learning curve for beginners

high price tag

4. Wirecast

Wirecast is a high-end tool for capturing, producing, and streaming video content. It works on Windows and Mac, and iPhone.

Wirecast has an extensive feature list, comparable with professional broadcasting software. It can capture input from microphones, webcams, IP cams, and other web-connected devices via NDI. It can mix and produce multi-channel audio to create a truly immersive experience for users. The user interface is streamlined and easy to use, so content creators can utilize Wirecast’s advanced features with little difficulty.

Wirecast’s main selling point is a professional stock asset library with over 500 000 custom-made assets, including graphics, tiles, music, backgrounds, overlays, and more. This makes it easy to start producing content straight away.

Some users have complained that Wirecast has high system requirements, which makes it poorly suited for older PCs. Alternatively, the producers of Wirecast also sell specialized streaming hardware under the brand Wirecast Gear, which can help solve the issue.

Wirecast has a steep price. The default studio version starts at $599, and the pro version is a hefty $799. This is a high asking price for most content creators, especially when you consider that free software such as OBS comes with many of the same features.

extensive stock media libraryexpensive
streamlined user interfacepoorly optimized
high-end featuresoffers little in comparison to similar products

5. Streamlabs OBS

Streamlabs OBS is an upgraded version of the open-source OBS streaming platform. It is available on Windows, and it was developed primarily with game streamers in mind.

What immediately sets Streamlabs apart from its parent app is the slick user interface. The user dashboard contains all commonly used features and options, including social widgets, overlays, audio filters, etc. The default settings were chosen carefully to help users launch their stream in as few steps as possible.

The focus on gaming is also evident in game-specific encoding options for streaming. Streamlabs OBS automatically adjust encoding based on the game currently being streamed, reducing overall CPU usage and making for a smoother streaming experience.

Similar to OBS, Streamlabs is completely free to use. This makes it perfect for users which are just getting started with game streaming. More advanced users will also find a lot to like here, thanks to the wealth of available customization options, courtesy of OBS.

freeWindows exclusive
user-friendly interfacestill in beta
light CPU usage
optimized for gaming

6. Lightstream

Lightstream is a cloud-based streaming platform. You can run it on any device that supports web browsers, making it the most accessible streaming tool on our list. It’s ideal for creating livestream content on the fly.

Lightstream has a limited number of features in comparison to desktop streaming apps, a price to be paid for the fact that you can run it on any platform. With that being said, it does have essential ones including overlays, guest hosting, and live chat. The one standout feature it does have is auto detecting the best settings for your device and internet connection, so, you don’t have to find the best setup manually.

As a cloud-based solution, all video processing is server-side on the cloud, so you don’t have to worry about CPU usage. Another benefit of the cloud is that your content is backed up automatically, so you don’t have to store content locally.

Lightstream comes with two subscriptions plans. The Gamer plan is aimed at console streaming, and it offers three tiers, each supporting a different output resolution (starting at $7/month for 720p30fps) and offering little to no extra features. The Creator plan also comes in three tiers (the cheapest being $20/month for 720p30fps), and it supports some advanced features such as remote guest hosting.

usable from the browserlimited feature set
low CPU usageno encoding options
intuitive user interfacelow output resolution

7. Nvidia Shadowplay

Nvidia Shadowplay is a gameplay recording tool exclusive to PCs with Nvidia graphics cards. It has limited support for streaming, although it does an adequate job if you just want to stream gameplay.

The one advantage Nvidia Shadowplay has over other streaming software is that it uses the GPU to encode video instead of the CPU, which limits its impact on your PC’s performance.

Nvidia Shadowplay is a great tool for recording short segments of gameplay thanks to its built-in shortcuts. You can start or pause recording at any point without having to pause the game.

Nvidia Shadowplay is completely free, but it only works with Nvidia graphics cards, which limits its user base. It won’t replace dedicated streaming software, but it’s worth trying if you have a Nvidia card and want to try out streaming.

low impact on PC performanceworks only on Nvidia hardware
freeusable only for game streaming

no additional features

8. VidBlasterX

VidBlasterX is a streaming and video production tool exclusive to Windows. It markets itself as an all-around streaming solution for video content creation and streaming.

VidBlasterX has a customizable user interface, so every user can adjust it to suit their specific needs. There is something of a learning curve to the process but having a custom-tailored interface will enhance your content creation efforts down the line.

In terms of features, VidBlasterX uses a module system, where each module represents a feature that can be added to the core app. The number of modules you can use depends on your subscription tier.

VidBlasterX provides three price tiers. The Home version is $9/year for up to 7 modules, the Studio version is $99/year for up to 25 modules, and Broadcast version at $999 supports up to 100 active modules.

easy to useadvanced tiers are expensive
plenty of featuresno standout feature
modular designsimilar to other streaming software

9. Dacast

Dacast is a video hosting platform that offers some streaming capabilities. It works on Windows and Mac, and it can easily be integrated with dedicated streaming solutions such as OBS or vMix.

Dacast doesn’t offer video production features, so you’ll have to mix and produce your content beforehand using a different platform. Once you upload your content onto Dacast, you can stream it to other platforms.

As a streaming platform, Dacast offers video security features such as encryption and password protection, real-time analytics, monetization options, 3rd party video player support, and 24/7 customer support.

Dacast provides different subscription tiers for different users. The Starter edition is $39/month (billed annually) for 1.2TB bandwidth and 50GB of storage. You can negotiate a custom plan for higher volumes of data.

video hostingnot a dedicated streaming platform
24/7 supportno production or editing capabilities


How to Choose Live Streaming Software?

Start by listing the exact features and requirements you need, and see which tools fulfill most or all of them. This approach is best suited for established content creators who know exactly what they need in terms of tools and equipment.

Another approach is to think about what kind of content you want to create. If you plan on streaming gameplay while you talk in the background, you’ll probably do well with a basic tool aimed at game streaming. If you want to do more complex editing, composite video and audio from different sources, or use special effects and overlays, you will probably do better with a professional grade tool.

The most secure way of choosing live streaming software is to test it yourself. You’ll learn how streaming tools work in general, and you‘ll find out if there is a feature you need that’s missing, so you can look for it in other software.

If you still feel unsure about which platform to use, here are a couple of suggestions based on the most common use-case scenarios.

Best free appOBS Studio
Best app for game streamingStreamlabs OBS
Best app for professional streamingvMix
Best app for general streamingOBS Studio
App with the lowest system requirementsLightstream
Best app for content mixing, editing and productionWirecast

We recommend you also check out our list of the best streaming platforms for gaming.


As a video content creator, your choice of streaming software will impact your career in a significant way. Paying extra for features you don’t need is something you always want to avoid. Similarly, you don’t want to cripple yourself by using tools which limit your creativity by locking essential features behind a paywall.

Ultimately, the best way to judged is to try out a tool, and see where it gets you, and then try out a different one.

Ilja Aradski

Ilja Aradski is a writer, tech enthusiast, gaming nerd, and Glimpse's go-to content guy. His goal is to make content creation accessible to everyone by writing about live streaming, video games, and the content industry at large. He thinks he is good at video games, but his friends know better.

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