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7 Days To Die Cheat Sheet

7 Days to Die Cheat Sheet

The world of 7 Days to Die is harsh and unforgiving. A zombie encounter gone wrong can cost you hours of progress and cause needless frustration. Why not make the game a little easier with cheat codes?

Cheat codes are also useful for turning 7D2D into a sandbox environment where you can fly and freely spawn items and enemies, similar to what you can do in Minecraft’s Creative Mode.

Among the many 7 Days To Die console commands, there are some cheat codes that help fully experience the game. So, without further ado, here are all the cheats you can activate in 7D2D.

7 Days to Die PC Cheats

In the PC version of the game, you can enable cheats through the command console. Pull down the command console by pressing F1, and then enter one of the following cheats:

CommandShortcut KeyEffect
creativemenucmEnables the Creative Menu, which you can open by pressing the U key. While in the menu, you can gain new items by selecting them from a 7×10 grid and moving them to your inventory.
You can also fly by pressing the H key, go up with the Space key, go down with the C key, and fly faster by holding the Shift key.
debugmenu [on/off]dmEnables the Debug Menu, which you can open by pressing the Esc key. Enabling Debug Menu also enables the Creative Menu.
The Debug Menu enables a number of keyboard commands, including: F3: Display world/player stats on the HUD. F5: Toggle first-person/third-person view. F6: Open the Entity Menu with a list of spawnable entities. F8: Press the key twice to show additional player information. Q: Enter God Mode. In God Mode, players take no damage, can fly, and can clip through walls. Shift + Q: Teleport the player to the cursor. P: Detach the camera.
giveselfxp <amount>
Give yourself <amount> of experience.
Spawn an air drop.
Spawn a screamer in and make it move toward your location.
Spawn a supply crate.
Make yourself hungry.

7 Days to Die Console Cheat Sheet Download

Click the button below to open a downloadable version of the 7DTD cheat sheet.

7 Days to Die PS4 Cheats

There are no known cheats for the PS4 version of the game.

7 Days to Die Xbox One Cheats

There are no known cheats for the Xbox One version of the game.

If you are new to the game, be sure to check out our 7 Days To Die Tips and Tricks post.


Using cheats is sometimes frowned upon, but we believe players should have full control over how they play the game.

Breaking 7DTD with cheats can make for a fun experience, especially if you want to get creative with your stronghold or try out different character builds.

Give these cheat codes a try and have fun!

Ilja Aradski

Ilja Aradski is a writer, tech enthusiast, gaming nerd, and Glimpse's go-to content guy. His goal is to make content creation accessible to everyone by writing about live streaming, video games, and the content industry at large. He thinks he is good at video games, but his friends know better.

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