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7dtd Console Commands

7 Days to Die Console Commands

The 7 Days to Die console can be used to run various commands, expanding the functionality of the game.

Players can use commands to view game data, alter settings, spawn items, and even control time. On 7dtd multiplayer servers, admins get access to additional commands for managing guest players, including commands for whitelisting, kicking, and banning players.

Commands in 7 Days to Die are case-sensitive. Some commands also have shortcuts you can use. Commands can have mandatory (<>) and optional ([]) arguments.

Below is a list of console commands and a description of their usage.

To fully experience the game, check out our list of cheat 7 Days To Die Cheats article.

7 Days to Die Commands List

To open the console interface, press F1. Then, input one of the following commands and press Enter.

CommandShortcut KeyEffect
admin add <name / entity id / Steam ID> <permission level>
Add a player to the admin list at a specific permission level. You can either use the player’s entity id, their name, or their Steam ID. Permission levels can have any value between 0 (maximum) and 1000 (none).
admin remove <name / entity id / Steam ID>
Remove a player from the admin list.
Toggle debug output for the AI Director.
ban add <name / entity id / Steam ID> <duration> <duration unit> [reason]
Ban a player from the game for <duration> in <duration units> with an optional message explaining the [reason]. Duration units can be expressed in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
ban list
Print a list of banned players to the console.
ban remove <name / entity id / Steam ID>
Remove a player from the ban list.
buff <buff>
Apply the specified <buff> to your character. You can find a list of all buffs in the game in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml
buffplayer <name / entity id / Steam ID> <buff name>
Apply the specified <buff> to another player’s character. You can find a list of all buffs in the game in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml
chunkcacheccDisplay all loaded chunks in the cache.
Clear the command console.
cp add <command> <level>
Add a command to the command permission list with the specified permission level.
cp list
Display a list of command permissions. 1000 is the lowest (guest or normal player) while 0 is the highest (host or admin).
cp remove <command>
Remove a command from the command permission list.
deathscreen <on/off>
Display the death screen during normal gameplay.
debuff <buff>
Remove the specified <buff> from your character.
debuffplayer <name / entity id / Steam ID> <buff name>
Remove the specified <buff> from another player’s character.
enablescope <on/off>esToggle debug scope.
Exhaust your character.
Export the current game config to .local/share/7DaystoDie/Saves/<worldname>/<savegamename>/Configs
Export all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder.
getgameprefggDisplay current game preferences.
getgamestatggsDisplay current game stats.
gettimegtDisplay day and time.
gfx af <0 or 1>
Set anisotropic filtering to 0 (off) or 1 (default).
gfx dti
Set distant terrain instancing.
gfx dtpix
Set distant terrain pixel error.
givequest <quest>
Give yourself a quest. You can find a list of all quests in the game in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml.
giveself <item> [quality level]
Give yourself an <item> at a specific [quality level]. You can find a list of all items in the game in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml
help <command>
Display the help file for <command>.
kick <name / entity id / Steam ID> [reason]
Kick a player from the game and display the [reason].
kickall [reason]
Kick all players from the game and display the [reason].
Kill all players and entities.
Display an outline around all light-emitting objects.
listentsleList all entities currently in the game.
listlandclaimllpList all active Land Claim Blocks with player name, world ID, Steam ID, LCB’s current health state, and coordinates.
listplayeridslpiList all players and their IDs.
listplayerslpList all players with IDs, positions, health, stats, IP address, etc.
listthreadsltList all threads.
loggamestate <message> [true/false]lgsLog the current state of the game to 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt.<message> is included in the header of the log. [true] means the command should be run on the client. [false] means the command should be run on the server.
loglevel <loglevel> <true/false>
Telnet/web only. Select which types of log messages are shown on the connection. Log levels: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC, or ALL.
Display memory information and start garbage collection.
Display memory information on client and start garbage collection.
Display Persistent Player data.
removequest <quest>
Remove a quest. You can find a list of all quests in the game in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml.
repairchunkdensity <x> <z> [fix]rcdCheck if chunk block density matches block type. If there is a mismatch it can lead to faulty chunk rendering. Optionally, [fix] mismatches within a chunk. <x> and <z> are the coordinates of the block within the chunk to check.
saveworldsaSave the world.
say <message>
Send a message from the server to all connected clients.
setgamepref <preference> <value>sgSet a gamepref.
setgamestat <stat> <value>sgsSet a gamestat.
settempunit <c or f>stuSet temperature unit to Celsius (c) or Fahrenheit (f, default).
settime day
settime night
settime <time>
settime <day> <hour> <minute>
stSet current game time. <time> uses the military-style 24h format (2pm is 1400), [hour] and [minute] do not. <day> is the total number of days that have passed.
showalbedoalbedoToggle display of albedo in gBuffer.
showchunkdatascShow current chunk data.
Show a layer of clouds.
Display Wandering Horde time.
shownormalsnormsToggle display of normal maps in gBuffer.
showspecularspecToggle display of specular values in gBuffer.
Shut the game down.
Toggle SoundManager debug output.
spawnentity <playerID> <entityID>seSpawn an entity.
Display spawn screen.
Spawn a Wandering Horde.
spectrum <spectrum>
Force a lighting spectrum. <spectrum> can be Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, and Snowy.
Switch between a static and a dynamic map.
switchviewsvSwitch the perspective between first- person and third- person view.
Display info about the current system.
teleport <E / W> [y] <N / S>
teleport <E / W> <N / S>
teleport <target player name/Steam ID/entity id>
teleport offset <inc E / W> <inc y> <inc N / S>
tpTeleport yourself to the specified location. If using [y], use -1 to spawn on the ground. Use only <E / W> and <N / S> to always spawn on the ground. Use offset to teleport based on your current position.
South and West are negative, (-) before number.
teleportplayer <name / player id / Steam ID> <E / W> <y> <N / S>
teleportplayer <player id> <player id>
teleTeleport the target player to the specified location. If using [y], use -1 to spawn on the ground. Use another player’s name or ID to teleport one player to another. South and West are negative, (-) before number.
Makes yourself thirsty.
If a player is within a trader area, they will be forced out but can reenter unless trader is closed.
updatelighton <name / player id / Steam ID>
Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers.
Display game version and loaded mods.
Control water settings.
Control weather settings.
whitelist add <name / player id / Steam ID>
Add a player to the whitelist.
whitelist list
Display whitelisted players.
whitelist remove <name / player id / Steam ID>
Remove a player from the whitelist.

7 Days to Die Console Commands Download

Click the button below to open a downloadable version of the 7dtd console commands list.


7 Days to Die console commands are essential for taking full control of the game.

Use the commands to manage players, change game settings on the fly, and display useful debug information. If you ever forget what a command does, use this list to refresh your memory.

Ilja Aradski

Ilja Aradski is a writer, tech enthusiast, gaming nerd, and Glimpse's go-to content guy. His goal is to make content creation accessible to everyone by writing about live streaming, video games, and the content industry at large. He thinks he is good at video games, but his friends know better.

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