How to upload, publish, and monetize Stories on

FAQ Viewed: 698 makes it easy to publish and monetize Stories. You have the freedom to select which Stories you want to monetize by making them available for viewing to your sponsors.

Follow these steps to learn how to upload, publish, and monetize your Stories on

Step 1: When you log into your profile, click on the button that contains the + icon to add a new Story.

Step 2: Give your Story a title.

Step 3: Upload files or photos that you want to publish as a Story.

Step 4: Select the files or photos that you want only your sponsors to see.

Note: The following steps are applicable only if you haven’t already set up a Sponsorship Level that grants access to your Story.

Step 5: Click the “Activate Sponsorship” button.

Step 6: Add a Sponsorship Level, specify the title of the Sponsorship Level, input the cost in tokens, include a short description, and select the “Sponsored Story Content” from the dropdown menu.

Step 7: Click Save to apply the changes and publish your Story.